Monday, January 14, 2019

Safety Tips For Solo Hiking

solo hiking tips

Maybe you don’t have friends who like hiking and trekking. Maybe you are the type of a person who likes to pursue adventures on your own. Whatever your reasons are, you should know that going on solo adventures are one of the best experiences you can gift yourselves with. Not every activity needs companionship and hiking is one of them. If you are a first-timer or a nervous tenth timer, these safety tips will help you get through your hike with the best possible experience.

Plan Your Trip Well

Select your trail and location weeks in advance. Plan your travel and schedule accordingly. Making sudden decisions seem adventurous and everything, but they aren’t always safe. Going well planned and knowing what to expect is always better than being put between a rock and hard place.

Inform People In Advance

When you have made your mind up and have the details planned out, tell your family, friends or colleagues about your plans to go solo. This may save your life in a potentially dangerous situation in case of unexpected emergencies.

Pack All The Necessary Gear

Pack everything you need for the hike and a proper first aid kit in your backpack well before time. Make a checklist if it helps. Keep supplies of food and water; carry a little extra stock.

Trust Your Instincts

Don’t push yourself when it comes to your journey. If at any point you feel that something seems wrong or odd, it probably is. Your instincts are built-in detectors for self-preservation, you’re not being paranoid. If your gut tells you that a trail looks like a bad idea, turn around.

Dress For The Occasion

Pick the right attire for your hikes. This mainly depends on the weather conditions. Avoid wearing clothes that expose a lot of skin to avoid injuries, rashes from poison ivy and the likes of insect bites.

Pick A Well Marked and Frequented Trail

The trail you choose should be one that is used often by a lot of hikers. This reduces your chances of getting lost till you develop a good experience in hiking alone. Be friendly to fellow hikers so that they remember your face.

Monitor The Weather

Keep an eye on the weather from three days before your main event. Don’t put yourself in an unnecessarily dangerous situation like torrential rains or heavy winds. If there is a surprise shift in the conditions during the hike, retreat to base.

Don’t Tune Out The Environment

You need to be alert at all times. Don’t listen to loud music and be aware of your surroundings. Moreover, keep your phone charged and conserve battery.)

Visit Ranger Stations

Check into ranger station you cross and tell them about your route and hiking duration for your own safety.
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